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A LETTER TO MY DAUGHTERS (not an original title BUT hey! #thisis49)

To my daughters - Nerdybembem, Forgetmeknot, and Astrangebutterfly, my sweet ladies, my best friends, and the best geng ever!

Over the years, I have lived well (by His Grace), and boy have I learnt a lot; all these, of course, have formed MamaBear, me, the woman you see today! All this while, I have tried to be there with each one of you every step of the way, BUT as we all know, that won't and hasn't always been possible, BUT you know I am ALWAYS, ALWAYS there (In your hearts! In your thoughts!).

I have been writing this for quite a while, BUT I decided to share today, my birthday. My 49th year on earth as part of showing appreciation to The Almighty for EVERYTHING. WOW!!!! There is just sooooo much to say (more like write), having watched you three over the years with such 'pride' and joy. Today, I will try to share some (obviously not everything) of what I carry in my heart (you never know) and believe me, I mean every single word you will read here today and always.

First off, know (without a doubt) that I have your back (the three of you) today, tomorrow, and every day. Whenever, whatever, I will always be here (in your heart, 'pushing' you on, praying, and believing in you).

Each birth was special, and I will never forget the first time I held each one of you in my arms, the feeling (always) - scared and excited. Look at you three now. Lord, I am thankful.

The initial idea was a series of little books detailing some things I have learnt over the years, some / most of which you are learning already, just a reminder, so you don't forget.

First off ladies, love yourself.

Yes o! Fall in love with every tiny little piece of you - the great, ugly, beautiful. ALL OF IT! Love you first and deeply before you ever think about loving someone else. You honestly won't be happy if you don't accept YOU and love yourself.

Always be kind darlings and think of others.

It won't always be easy, yes BUT, do for others; it's good for you. Personally, as your mum, you know I know and believe you are the best things that ever happened to the world BUT, the world needs more people who see beyond themselves, remember others and be kind.

Ladies, life is all about falling, getting up, and trying again.

We are all going through stuff, so ALWAYS get up! Don't let life get you down, sit up, shake it off, and weather the storm. Guess what? With the storm comes the beauty of a rainbow (not such a common sight in these parts, BUT you get the analogy), clear skies, and so much more. Bottom line, don't miss all the joys of being alive while feeling sorry for yourself.

Always, always believe in yourself.

It's nice to have people believe in you, but if you do not believe in yourself FIRST, you honestly won't get far. Everything starts and ends there. Knowing you three, you can and will accomplish every single thing you set your mind to, I know. Believe in that and believe me, you will go a long way.

Most importantly, live your life with personal integrity.

Integrity, at its most basic understanding, is doing the right thing from your perspective and not as the 'world' thinks it. Living, working, and leading with integrity means that we don't question ourselves when it comes to doing the right thing. Listen to your hearts, babies, and ALWAYS do the right thing. Make your life simple, and live in peace and with dignity. The truth, though, doing the right thing is not always easy, but it's the only path to living a life built on sound moral integrity.

Daily, I am thankful for my hardworking, life-loving, and go-getting squad, and mostly, I can't help myself looking at you three and thinking how hardworking and focused you are.

Ladies, know this and know peace… Aspire for better ALWAYS but remember that there is no such thing as a life better than yours. Please. Please. Always remember this. Appreciate what you have; getting more does not necessarily guarantee your happiness. I have grown to believe that life will give you everything that's yours, and if you think something is missing, then maybe you weren't meant to have it!? Maybe!

The pandemic has brought a lot to one's perspective, and sometimes, you can't help BUT wonder, maybe once in a while, 'How will they cope?' 'Have we been able to instill those values we hope and pray they live by?' 'Do they understand how much they are loved?'

My dearest ones, you know my thoughts to an extent about life and living, so please, feel free to explore the world. Live happily. Discover new things. You definitely know I want you to travel the world and learn that the world is so much smaller than you could ever imagine.

It's okay to slip up – mistakes happen to everyone.

Bringing others down isn't a happy activity; walk away from anything that affects your mental well-being.

There is so much more to life, and I wish I could open it up and walk through each step with you BUT believe me when I say I trust you three and know that somehow, you will figure it out.

Ladies, your life is only beginning; ENJOY EVERY STEP!!!

Be yourself, ladies, and keep doing YOU! Never follow or copy anyone. We are all gifted in one unique way, so be yourself!!! Draw inspiration from people BUT never imitate them. Refine your gift.

Maybe one day, when you have a daughter, maybe, and I repeat, maybe, then you will understand the depth of my words and how I feel about you three. Today, these might just be words to you. But, I dare say, one day, you'll know and understand even better.

I wish I could show and teach you EVERYTHING (yeah, I said that before). Just remember, as you grow into women, you will face many trials and tribulations, know joys and other things, in all these, just remember that I am always here for you whenever you need me.

Always find the beauty in your everyday surroundings; remember that there is beauty in all that you do.

Remember always that the people you love are bound to disappoint (sometimes, and you actually feel the pain of disappointment because of your expectations) and even hurt you; likewise, you might hurt others. Do not let this stop you from opening your heart to love unconditionally, as this is truly one of life's greatest gifts.

It takes courage to follow your heart. It takes courage to love and embrace your fears.

In all of this, remember all that glitters is not gold!


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