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What If?

I had thought over and over about this, write or not write! Emotions swirling, hurt, love, laughter, joy and sooooo many more.

Just read this, enjoy it and hopefully learn a thing or two. I'm still learning daily too (Kachow!)

Bottom line, we should not be afraid of endings and of letting go. Beginnings and endings are siblings, they always go together. We should never be stuck on the 'what if' question and be afraid. Endings are a natural part of life and we should never fear them because they represent the beginning of something new.

It's mind blowing, waking up each day, thankful for seeing another day regardless of what it brings.

Everyone is going through stuff, people are constantly asking themselves the same question.... What if? Truth, you can't know what each person is going through and honestly, you might not even be able to understand it BUT, that one act of kindness could make a vast difference, Yep! It could, maybe, give someone hope. It could, maybe, keep someone from harming himself or herself. It could, maybe, help someone feel better about themselves. Truth is, you honestly never know!

It has been my desire (lifelong), my wish to hopefully change lives for the better and as The Lord is my witness, I will keep on trying.

Smile more often, it doesn't cost you anything, instead, it profits you more, Yep! You would look nicer, younger and maybe more approachable. Show appreciation even more. Remember the five magic words - Please, Thank You, Excuse me, Pardon and Sorry. Thank you most especially goes such a long way. And as they say, if you don't have anything nice to say, just keep quiet and move along! It isn't that hard, or is it?

Guess what? If daily, you said to yourself, Today, I am going to be happy, and its a daily affirmation, did you know, that your life will be more uplifting? Yes, it would help. Try it.

Together, let's try using these daily affirmations as indicated below (you could add other affirmation as best suits you) ...

As always,

I am Tee...


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